Q:I don't have a JC dealer in my area, will you sell me a boat directly from the factory?
A:We only sell boats through our dealer network. Our dealers hang and test the engines, prepare the boats before delivery, and make sure that any minor problems are solved. We do no direct sales.
Q: Can I order parts or furniture directly from the factory?
A:Please order parts from any of our dealers. We are not set up for any direct retail sales.
Q:I have an older JC, do you stock parts and furniture for older boats?
A:We have been building boats for over 30 years. While we would like to stock all parts for any boats that we have manufactured, that is not possible. We may not have parts for some older models. Some JC parts are generic and can be ordered from any marine dealer. After-market replacement pontoon boat furniture is also available from most marine dealers. The adhesive on our graphics has about a 3-year shelf life so older graphics are not available. If you need a JC specific part for an older boat, check with any of our dealers for availability.
Q:Can you give me a price for a new JC?
A:The price of your new JC will include an engine, options, freight, and perhaps a trailer. In addition, many dealers will offer seasonal discounts or specials on a stock boat. To put together the best price for a boat that fits your needs, you really need to work with one of our dealers. We do no retail price quotes from the factory.
Q:Will you build a custom boat for me?
A:We offer many models with a long list of options that give the buyer a chance to build it “his way”. We do get requests for sizes, floorplans, colors and options that are not normally offered. Will we build a special boat? Each case is different and we need to know the details. If you have a special request, please discuss it with one of our dealers and they will contact us. The dealers generally know what is possible and what is not. Please do not contact the factory directly for a special boat.
Q:Where is my closest dealer?
A:A complete dealer list may be found on our website under the “Dealer Locator” navigation button.
Q:Do you sell pontoon trailers?
A:We do not sell or manufacture trailers. There are many quality trailers on the market and your dealer will help you match your boat to a safe, reliable trailer.
Q:How fast will your TriToon 266 (or any other model) go with a Honda 225 (or any other engine)?
A:With many models and hundreds of engine choices we can only test a small percentage of combinations. Typically, our TriToon Classic models can achieve a maximum in the low to mid-40 mpg range with the largest engine options. Our SunToon TT and NepToon TT models generally see low to mid 30 mpg with their maximum horsepower. Our fastest models are the SportToon TT and the NepToon Sport TT (lifting fins) with speeds exceeding 50 mph with certain engines.
Q:I want to buy/sell a used 19xx JC, what is it worth?
A:Many things go into the value of a used boat including the engine, trailer, options, condition, and the local market. Our guess regarding a used boat price would be just that, a guess. There are used boat price guides, N.A.D.A. for example, but they are only a little better than a guess. Your best resource for a used boat value would be your local boat dealers. A JC dealer would be best, but any local dealer could give you a price range that would be more accurate than a guess from us.